Welcome to the DoingBusinessPH OPC Philippine Market Entry Page.

If you are a foreign investor or foreign business owner who is ready to actively explore the local market, partner with local companies, setup your own local subsidiary, or invest in deals, projects, or enterprises in your specific market sector, then you have found the right place.

We understand that before coming to this page, you have already done a lot of your own research about doing business in the Philippines and may have even reached out to companies who offer local company setup. However, before taking the actual next step, you prefer to speak to an actual person with experience and expertise in the area to discuss your options in the context of the present local regulatory environment.

If this is you, then you may book an initial consult with us by filling up the form below and clicking Send.

About the Author

Atty. Noel C. Ducusin is the senior and founding partner of the N. Ducusin & Partners Law Offices - a law firm based in Metropolitan Manila, Republic of the Philippines that specializes in Corporate Advisory, Cross Border Regulatory Matters, Mergers & Acquisitions, and Commercial Litigation.

His mission for this Newsletter is to help foreign investors, business owners, and managers by breaking down complex legal concepts or dense technical material into straightforward actionable legal information for better business decisions.

This is not the place for academic writing and legalese will not be tolerated here. The simpler and the more practical the better. For easy reading, articles and briefs will be in simple everyday language without legal jargon.

“Everything should be made as simple as possible, but no simpler.” – Albert Einstein