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Yes - please see our Market Entry page here.

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This is necessary because our systems providers can handle only a limited number of subscribers/members before the system becomes unwieldy or bogs down. Thus, system resources will be allocated to prioritize active members who truly wish to participate in our community.

Can you assist me on a specific project matter?

Yes - please see our Market Entry page here.

Can we get you as a speaker at one of our events or seminars?

Please click here to inquire and if there is a fit then we would be glad to be part of your seminar or event.

What is your privacy policy?

Our privacy policy is governed by REPUBLIC ACT 10173, i.e. The Data Privacy Act of 2012.

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Finally please note that in servicing our community, we partner up with other educators and providers for joint content generation wherein data sharing takes place. Data shared with these other educators or service providers will be subject to their own data privacy terms and conditions.